Dalam fb ni bila kita unfriend,block,restricted dgn seseorg itu bukan bermakna kita mahu memutuskan silaturahim dgn org itu... Selalunya ia lebih kepada perasaan "saya rasa saya tidak selesa berkongsi cerita saya dgn kamu"...tu jer.. Jgn sesekali fikir "owh kau berdosa dan akan masuk neraka sebab kau memutuskan tali silaturahim antara kita..." helloooo.. benda simple mcm ni kalau tak faham sile tikam diri sendiri.
Chik Lin just shared this on FB.
I meant just that, nothing more.
Peace yo!
*ok check FB sendiri*
Kata Lily Allen, can't knock em out. Versi memberi alasan, the politest way.
Somehow this night ended up as Lily Allen night.
Thanksies untuk people who help me deal with situations. I won't have the heart to do it alone.
I think too much. XD
Okay, happy Friday.
Nak dengar lagu Friday Night yang jauh lebih baik daripada lagu Friday and Last Friday Night tak?
Ni ha. Click sini. Ni pun Lily Allen jugak.
Nasihatnya, jagalah diri sendiri.
Thank You Allah sebab permudahkan urusan dalam exam semalam. :) And thanks for the prayers everybody. 7 exams and a lot of self-improvement to go before I get the trust to knife people. *Eeep~*
Owh and after the exam yesterday, Syamee, Thamarai and I spent sometime at Mama Cafe. Near Lazarska, opposite Hooters to be exact. (sape geng Ezra tahu sangatlah dekat mana) Mama Cafe tu hipster habis. Contemporary, organised mess, welcoming kavarna.
Anyway, it was a nice post-exam hang out :)
Trouble is, class is at 8 today. And post exam, if I don't have enough sleep, I'll be in a disoriented state.
I woke up on time, and went out confidently, because, today, I have the chance to be early for class. I waited for the tram, and 18 came. I went on, smiling, because it's rare that 18 comes when I need it to. I stopped at Moran, and and, I figured out how moronic I was. 18 is the tram to take to go to Faustuv Dum, for the class which I had exam for, the day before. ie I got on the wrong tram, the wrong stop!!! Kyaaaa~
I should have realised, because 18, that particular tram, frequently appears at times when I don't need it to. Haha!
So I went running to the opposite tram stop, catching tram 10 that was heading to Stepanska (the stop I was supposed to go to) all the while muttering "aaaahhh, stupid, stupid, stupid" hahaha. And it rained a little today, so everything was wet and slippery. And NO, I didn't fall or anything, just skidded on the tram steps. :P It didn't matter, because I successfully got on the right tram!
In the end, I was 2 minutes late, but I got to grab coffee before class. Hee~
Usually, such things would only occur once a day but the drama didn't stop there. What happened when I head back home today was, I banged into a tree branch at Karlovo Namesti park. Like I said, it's a rainy day, so, understandably, I was focusing to avoid the muddy grounds and whatever excrements that might have mixed and become one with the landscape, tapi, tapi, focusing on two things whilst walking is just too much back then. Haha.
And that's how I complete today.
Sekian, laporan cemerkap,
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Saturday, December 01, 2012
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life after the hurdle
Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping. Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...

Bismillah O Allah, grant this heart peace, for I am at lost right now. I think I broke my own heart. Can you make it that it was purely ...
"Kalau ada peluang lagi, tiada sebab untuk bersedih" ----- I failed Genetics, but Alhamdulillah that I went for the exam or else I...
Like Brownian motion Loss in a line of action In this labyrinth of constellation I see only a fraction A fraction Of dynamic passion ...
ahahahhahaha langgar pokok... ahahhahaha.. XD (xsedar gelakkan org. kui3)
jyeahhhh achievement unlocked! :D kekeke.. come join my quest for just-how-many-inanimate-ojects-can-a-cemerkap-run-into XD
sampai hati youuu~ kekeke :P
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