Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light; and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness; they are the inmates of fire, in it they shall abide.
Al Baqarah; 257
If you've been give something really good, naturally, you would go back and get more of it. Kan?
And when it is about to finish, you would want to ask around, so that you don't run out of supply.
Unnecessary things keep creeping up in my mind lately. The more I let it linger, the more I feel I might burst because of it. Shoo~ Go away stupid thoughts!
TAPI KAN, God had helped me the last time by an advice that goes by returning to Him. And it made me so calm and happy and relieved. *insert mata anime bersinar-sinar* And that the best part of being a slave is that, there are things you can't control and it's okay, leave it to Him. *cue the song Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift*
Okay, supply yang dimaksudkan adalah untuk ada masa bawa jiwa aku mengingati balik status hamba tersebut. Sebab aku rasa selamat daripada Dunya time-time camtu. Dan perasaan itu *cue running around and bouncing in cotton candy* boleh digambarkan, dengan perkataan, RINGAN. Like the weight is off your shoulder. It's not that you shake off your responsibility, but like, you can bear them this time around. Hee~ Faham tak? Ahahaha.. Tak perlu faham pun, asalkan aku faham, supaya senang nak cari balik benda ni bila kegersangan melanda diri ini lagi.
Maybe it's because I'm choleric, that messages such as toning down gets to me. Haha.
What about you? If there was one reminder from God that touches you most, what will it be?
Speaking of good supply, my Speculoos is running out. Again! Haha! Siapa nak pergi France? Put your hands upppp~ *sebab good things, you just have to hunt for them again and again* And shipping sepuluh kali ganda harga Speculoos. What???
Thanksies goes to Eza and Samantha, whom I spent a great time with during the last summer break :) We got introduced to Speculoos and had the spread with French bread, bread bread, and hard boiled eggs. Seriously, if you don't have Speculoos, you should try peanut butter and hard boiled eggs. Sedap~ ^^ Sam found 3 suppliers in OZ. Congratulations!!! I have yet to find one here. *padahal Czech and France jauh lebih dekat* Thanks for turning me into a convert. Ha! Speculoos FTW!!!
Thanks also to a junior who had helped me get Speculoos once. Thanks for bearing the berat of the glass jar. It has served as good breakfast supply for a few days really! :D Failed to turned you into a Speculoos convert though, then maybe I could order in bulk by mail. Haha.
Ze Speculoos converts
Nora, Eza, Sam :)
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Thursday, November 29, 2012
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life after the hurdle
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sedapp ehhh kacang hancor itu..
jenny! tu bukan kacang hancur, tu adalah biskut hancur! :P die buat daripada biskut caramel yang ade sedikit cinnamon tu..
i rase jauh lebih sedap daripada kacang hancur! kekeke :D :D :D
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