If you haven't watch it already, do click here. :) Tengoklah, you know you want to.
Pertaining to the study given, through the story of Kitty Genovese, I was brought to remember a rather more disappointing version of the story.
Kisah bermula...
There're times when you simply had to go back a lil' later in the night. Be it committee meetings, study groups etc. And in my early days as a student here, I came to meet that night. So I asked for friends help to send me home. I thought logically, budak-budak lelaki sedarlah kepentingan sejagat tu. Itu pasal dengan selambanya I asked for help. For I remembered last time, Abah and Uncle Rashid (Abah's colleague 1) had to hantar Auntie Noran (Abah's colleague 2) back home because a meeting ended late and Uncle F-something (Auntie Noran's husband) cannot pick her up.
Anyway, after some persuasion, on the way back, I was thanking my friends, when one of them said something I can't quite forget until now.
"Aku bukannya nak hantar pun, tapi kalau aku tak hantar nanti orang marah"
*drama queen 1: berhenti tengah jalan dengan riak wajah skeptikal* Adoi. Seriously, a certain level of trust dropped down dramatically that time. I mean, korang seriously tak sedar kebesaran amal menghantar orang-yang-mungkin-akan-hadapi-bahaya-dalam-perjalanan? (Silalah terasa kaw-kaw punya sampai lepas ni korang nak jadi Superhero, memastikan tak de orang teraniaya, tak kisahlah sebab tersepit dekat pintu bas ke, sebab tertinggal phone ke [rujuk video] atau sebab-sebab lain yang menggugat status kemanusian mana-mana manusia [atau alam, really])
Sadly after that, I quit requesting to be sent back. In fact I remembered running so that they couldn't catch up. *drama queen 2: lari turun tangga laju-laju* Why do something when it's as if, you're cursing that person for being a liability?
Ok lah, I shouldn't have ran, maybe you guys repented after that, huh?
Tapi seriously, blurting out the kind of sentences that make it seems like perempuan itu burden adalah so not cool. Which basically makes anyone a jerk in our eyes.
Lepas kejadian tersebut juga, meeting CzeMSA pun aku tak sanggup nak minta tolong budak lelaki dah, sebab aku rasa, kalau korang ni betul fahamlah, korang tak perlu ditanya pun. (Sekarang aku sedar, aku sepatutnya tanya je) Mungkin aku sangat alergik dengan kata-kata berbaur "perempuan menyusahkan". Aiyark~ Adik-adik aku pun lagi bertanggungjawab, jaga kitorang bila main basikal, badminton, basket, pergi shopping, park kereta etc. Dan mereka ada kesedaran ni awal sekolah menengah lagi. Serius korang tak pernah diamanahkan untuk menjadi bodyguard nenek/mak/kakak/adik perempuan korang sendiri? *kalau tak pernah, silakanlah, sebelum korang sampai kepada satu waktu yang korang tak dapat nak jaga bini/anak perempuan sendiri. kalau pernah, Y U no use same concept?*
Kudos to D, H, S, B. (Ha apa lagi, tekalah initials ni! :P)
Coming back to the introduction, why I thought this story is disappointing, because, I too was affected by the diffusion of responsibility. Just because it's something that no one stresses on, I too, acted by not stressing its importance, which, thank God, has not cause any harm in the time when I assume it was a very light matter. :( Apelah :( Kalau it's for the greater good, kenapa tidak? :(
Coming back to the introduction, why I thought this story is disappointing, because, I too was affected by the diffusion of responsibility. Just because it's something that no one stresses on, I too, acted by not stressing its importance, which, thank God, has not cause any harm in the time when I assume it was a very light matter. :( Apelah :( Kalau it's for the greater good, kenapa tidak? :(
Alhamdulillah, it is A LITTLE irrelevant now that KFC has come out with a "Skuad Peneman".
To those who don't already know, KFC stands for Keluarga-Fan-Club (a substitute to the term "usrah" yang kebanyakan ahli KFC agak alergik). KFC terdiri daripada Kak Alia, Syamira, Anis, Ejai, Pia and me. And seeing as how it gets darker, earlier right now, because it's winter and we're living in the Northern Hemisphere, we now have a "Skuad Peneman" (Accompanying Squad) so that non of our members will have to dwell the roads of Prague alone when it gets dark. (Y)
Secara peribadi, aku sangat suka konsep ni, dan memandangkan semua orang pun ada circle of friends tersendiri, skuad ni, bolehlah ditubuhkan mengikut keperluan masing-masing.
*baca ayat lepas ni dengan mood AGM*
Kerana melihatkan kepada statistik, memandangkan bilangan pelajar lelaki yang dihantar semakin berkurang, dan mungkin keperluan sejagat ini akan memakan masa dan tenaga mereka, ini akhirnya tidak lain tidak bukan, menzalimi mereka (quote: usul pembubaran CzeMSA. kekeke).
Don't get me wrong, we still need good guys (aku rasa budak Prague ni baik je, cuma kurang matang/berpengalaman). Ini cuma tindakan kami untuk mengurangkan kemudharatan. We still need good guys, for there're many circumstances that is out of our control. Because, number one, being women, generally, our awareness of surrounding is lesser. And two, we are no match to the strength God has blessed you all with. (There're more, but, you get the picture).
The brothers :D Walaupun most of the time korang annoying, tapi terharu I dengan kematangan korang. Hahaha.
So thanksies today goes out to KFC atas kerjasama untuk misi-misi skuad peneman yang telah berjaya diadakan. Semoga Allah berkati usaha ini dan kita semua sentiasa berada dalam perlindunganNya.
So thanksies today goes out to KFC atas kerjasama untuk misi-misi skuad peneman yang telah berjaya diadakan. Semoga Allah berkati usaha ini dan kita semua sentiasa berada dalam perlindunganNya.
And also initials-initials yang terpampang di atas. Reason paling best aku pernah dengar bila aku tengah skeptik asal-korang-nak-hantar-balik adalah"Aku pun ada kakak dowh"
Terima kasih korang, for working on that kesedaran, semoga Allah melindungi korang dan saudara-saudara perempuan korang.
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