Monday, January 14, 2013


Hooray for putting things off again, Nora.

I just hate myself today.

Sad how I can't relate it with PMS, cause that would at least make it bearable.



I don't understand this at all.


Unrelated to the sadness, is an excerpt of my daily final year life:

It may have started a while back, but a lot of people have expressed their curiosity as to what type of person I would get married to. And I can't help but notice they do this "wondering" in front of me with a scrunched up forehead. You know, when people are really-concerned-kind-of-forehead-wrinkling? I wonder what they think of when they say that.

It's good in a sense that, I can go, Aha, perhaps I should start thinking about that. However, it's bad cause I'm getting this feeling that I'm really weird, not plain weird, it is more like, weirder than I ever thought I was.

Cause, coupled with their wrinkled forehead was also the statement, "tak tau lelaki macam mana boleh kawal dia ni". I know you have the best interest for me at heart, but being the person I am, I put that in my list-if-things-to-worry-about-later.

And I'm writing this to tell myself that I needn't worry, cause there is, of course, nothing wrong with being a lil' different.

That because of that, maybe that's why my course in this life would be adventurous and fulfilling for me, even if it is not the case in the eyes and wrinkling foreheads of others.

It's okay, let me be me.

Kalau pun the "right-guy-who-can-walk-with-me-in-search-of-eternal-success" probably will be hard to find, let me be me.

Aiyo~ all this overthinking is exhausting my resource of natural energy to go into Sage mode. Rugi betul.

And, one last thing, why no Naruto. 2 weeks already liao~ Current anime pun no updates.


Sebab an old soul needs an antique set of wings. (Thanks Thamarai for convincing me to have a day out. It was a lovely start for the year ^^)
Dan tak kira apa pun, silalah lalui hari-hari dengan "a skip in your step, a smile on your face".

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