Friday, April 29, 2011

patchworks in the OT

As of this week, it's surgery for 5 weeks!!!

Class is starting to get more interesting. ^^ 

Thyroidectomy. Epic fail. 
It didn't help when you're squished cause you'd run out of blood. 
I ate a big breakfast for it. 
And almost collapse anyway. *Malu gila!!!*

So I thought I'm not fit for surgery. Any surgery.
Until cochlear implant. 
Terbaik wor! :D 
The drilling, the puncturing, and I thought the placement of electrode was awesome! 
And the assistants were so helpful with all the details. ^^

And I concluded, it wasn't skipping breakfast, it was probably the squishing. 

This week = cardiovascular surgery.  
I can't help be amazed with the whole extracorporal circulation thing. Bloody but definitely out of this world!
And it's size somewhat brought me to realise, the Creator indeed is Great, how a fist sized heart could manage all those pumping for so many years...Subhanallah!
And how with magnifying glasses, suturing coronary vessels can be an art of its own.
I also learnt the importance of having small steps for short Asians as myself :P If not, can't see anything. 
This week is ending tomorrow :( but yeah, lets hope Bulovka would come out with more surprises! ^^

Honestly, I'm still undecided as to what to specialise in. @.@

Marilah berdoa untuk yang terbaik~




zainabibrahim said...

surgery interesting what..
slowly decide, along the way u gonna find what suit u the best..


all the best!!

neneknora said...

yup2.. surgery interesting betul.. :D even theory die cam byk puzzle and always new methods to explore!!!
the more practicals, the bouncier.. hehe.. and yes, i shall slowly decide on it :D komawoyo jenny eonni! ^^ kekeke


Flo said...

I dunno either, you are not alone! @.@

Eh, I saw Pak Cik & Mak Cik Zitra's baby today. Carried him & played with him for a while... he was lighter than I expected. So cuteee!

neneknora said...

@.@ ~~~~

aaw.. so nice eyh! i should play with him one day! :) when my hands aren't full that is.. so far, i've only managed an ahoj! XD


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