"Kalau ada peluang lagi, tiada sebab untuk bersedih"
I failed Genetics, but Alhamdulillah that I went for the exam or else I wouldn't know lotsa things I've learnt today:
Stuffs like:
1. Bring eraser!
2. If you don't understand the instructions, rectify!
3. Wear a watch!
4. Never underestimate the brown book!
(Tak perlu ulas panjang-panjang kot! Hehe... Aku rasa masalah yang aku hadapi ni comel sangat.)
I've always wondered what it's like to fail. As for today, it feels the same as when I pass. (Alhamdulillah, tiada perasaan hendak berdiri di tengah jalan tram dan sewaktu dengannya. Cuma selepas menonton BOF episod 7 tadi, berkeinginan untuk berlumba kereta. Mesti aku nampak cool giler. [bayangkan aku letak emoticon yang pakai sunnies tu kat sini])
Failure gives me a valid reason to do more. :)
Then again, don't forget those lessons!
Alhamdulillah again that it's today and it isn't so heavy a subject. Fortunate. Serious.
The time will come but we need to have faith. Have faith!
Segyero! To the world! (4D.. hehehe)
Owh yaaaaaa...
Today is the birth a new cousin, MOHAMMAD AFIQ BIN SYUKRI!
(Nama Ayah ade Mohd ke? Nora tak ingat... adeyh)
Anyway, Mami, Ayah, congrats!
(And this news is worth more than any other from me!)
*Penantian Mami ngan Ayah untuk anak lelaki pertama mereka, jauh lebih panjang (11 tahun), jauh lebih hebat rintangannya daripada exam Genetics ni.
Penantian anak-anak Palestin juga, jauh lebih hebat bukan?
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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life after the hurdle
Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping. Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...

Bismillah O Allah, grant this heart peace, for I am at lost right now. I think I broke my own heart. Can you make it that it was purely ...
"Kalau ada peluang lagi, tiada sebab untuk bersedih" ----- I failed Genetics, but Alhamdulillah that I went for the exam or else I...
Like Brownian motion Loss in a line of action In this labyrinth of constellation I see only a fraction A fraction Of dynamic passion ...
i like it!!
always have faith!! =P
anw..congrats dpt cousin bru..hihi..
p/s: Warghh..i pun teringin nk race kereta jugak tgk ep 7 tu..
p/s/s : sian kat kuda Jupiter tu.. ^sobz..sobz..^
Alhamdulillah sangat sangat sangat!
wah... saye terasa nk balik malaysia pulak tahun ni~
nanti kite lumba secara halal kat Sepang (bila mampu :P ) waaahhh.. serious perlumbaan kereta sangat best...
tak pun nanti kite ber-bumper car!!! (jgn lepaskan steering wheel riannnn!!!)
episode 8 dah kuar..ngah tunggu episode 9 plak..x sabarnya..hehe
tgk jugak?
i pun da tengok jugak :D
hahha..bumper car pun best!!
(klaka la piki balik~~)
jom la balik msia thun nie.. =P
eh..ade mr rotator la kat tepi tu!!
Hi! I changed my date to the 12th... Gambate together! :)
Congrats on your new cousin!
haish.janganla diriku terpengaruh dengan BOF tu.Naya nanti.hihi..
anyway,dik, insyaallah kekuatan kamu tu lah yang akan membuatkan kamu tegar berdiri untuk menghadapi ujian itu.keep on moving ya~ ^_^
rianus - hehe... himdeurosso... happy jumpe mr rotator :D *sambil memikirkan lagu you found me kat dlm kepala* :D
flo - 12? yay~ then we take it together this winter too! :D
hirumi - BOF best la hirumikun.. serious! mgkin sekali sbb die penuh drama.. hehe (adik2 hirumikun semua pun penuh drama.. tu masuk je ngan BOF!)
InsyaAllah, akan berganbatehhhhh~~~ dan fight! iyo~
zizi.. :) bagus2.. papepun.. truskn pjuangan.. huhu..
marilah kte bsama hasut kun2 tgk bof.. huehue..
baik bonda! :D
kun kun! tgklah BOF! boleh belajar bahasa korea~
great dear.semgt itu yg kita perlukan.
mari berjuang together mether.yihaaa~~!
*kun kun.tgk lah bof!!*
nak join hasutgak.haha
apa2pun,kena habiskan microbio and internal medicine dulu.huhu..
la la la..
haih,ramainya die-hard fan BOF neh.adeyh dush dush
meh nk hasut jugak...
kun kun..
jom la tgk BOF !!
nnti mesti jatuh hati kt Jun Pyo!!
yeah.. together-mether :) (cam agak scientific bunyinye :P)
kireny lps exam akn tgk la kunkun?
wee hoo~
BOF... x pela, minat la kat jun pyo, aslkn bukan jiyung :D
haha.u all ni betul2 banyak memberi influence dekat kun2 neh.hikhik..
btw rian,adakah kun2 akan jatuh hati dekat junpyo tu? (err,bunyi yang agak menyeramkan di situ)..
tapi hopefully,i'm trying my best to pass the exam in the first chance.wuuu :)
bashay hirumi¬!and to others as well!
ha ah kan..kunkun jatuh hati kat JunPyo..(agk seram disitu..)hahah..xper2..xyah la jatuh hati kat JunPyo..nnti byk lagi pulak persaingan..susah pulak kiteorg~~
Nk surh jatuh hati kat jandi..kunkun dh ade Nadea..opps!!
p/s : WArgghhh..takot nih nk exam!!
ehehehe.. junpyo ke jandi ke nadea?
huhu~ jgn takut2...
just do our very best, and Allah will take care of the rest!
God is All Knowing,
semoga kite selalu dpt yg terbaik dariNya... amin
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