Some philosophical thoughts:
You know how in life, we always get sidetracked and when we realised we did, we'll sway in the right direction again?
Seems like it's not applicable to all, the-swaying-back-into-the-right-direction.
Especially if you've taken too many steps away from your goal.
That's when you have to walk backwards and start all over again, leaving a new trail.
It's like recreating your journey to happiness.
With less regrets.
Yeah, sometimes, we need to do exactly that.
Like Sarah mentioned, we live once and die forever.
And since this is the only life I have to live before that ever after, I can't afford to falter.
Nora. A reminder on how being alive has its advantages if you utilise what was given the right way.
You know how in life, we always get sidetracked and when we realised we did, we'll sway in the right direction again?
Seems like it's not applicable to all, the-swaying-back-into-the-right-direction.
Especially if you've taken too many steps away from your goal.
That's when you have to walk backwards and start all over again, leaving a new trail.
It's like recreating your journey to happiness.
With less regrets.
Yeah, sometimes, we need to do exactly that.
Like Sarah mentioned, we live once and die forever.
And since this is the only life I have to live before that ever after, I can't afford to falter.
Nora. A reminder on how being alive has its advantages if you utilise what was given the right way.

And the start of finishing my non-medically-oriented assignments.
In truth, I feel bad about pushing my non-study-responsibilities behind but it's a decision made only cause I have come to know myself very well.
This year hasn't been as smooth sailing as I hoped. My ups were outnumbered by the downs and that made life a bit more complicated and in a way, demanding.
And because of that, I drew away from making decisions; for when the heart and mind is unsettled, things can go wrong. Or if the weather isn't cooperating, things could go very wrong.
Be it studies, management, friends I might very well end up screwing them all. (Purposeful bolding. It means I'm stressing the point.)
And when one can't work perfection, one will regret it deeply (sometimes without realising).
Now that I've gain the credits needed for the term (Alhamdulillah. :) I know exams are to come, but the credits indeed lifted so much weight off my shoulder that if I have wings, I would be flying by now. :) Thank you Allah), I see Saturday and Sunday filled with lotsa brainstorming and planning.
Lotsa work to do and no time to waste!
Lets all work miracles and perfection! InsyaAllah (if He wills it).
Like how He has showered us with the very best, may this step we make also be under Allah's care. Amen.
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