*Leading myself into believing that in actual fact, I'm prepared*
Heh. Back into indulging the never-ending declensions and cases and so on. O_o
On a random note, this is what I got for playing with stray cat. (I didn't even touch it!)
Mohan: Why are you playing with that cat? It's dirty.
Modise: Eew, I think it's diseased. If you look at the ear you can see one is flipped. Some ear defect.
(Everbody laughs at Zizi)
The benefit of being young? You'll always be bullied. HAHAHA.
wat cud i say more?
all the best test czech!!
you can say this: (gaya kena ambil gambar sebab passer-by nampak tak helpful)
"kesian zizi"
:P.. thanks kak jane~
Oh dear. Poor cat. Tsk tsk.
I wonder if I'll keep a cat if I weren't a med student... hehe... a wishful thinking :P
can... just reduce your attention to your precious "you-know" and then you'll have time to keep a cat. :P
uwahhh... maybe i should... but i've ignored him for quite sometime :P
been busy with other guys :P HAHAHAHA
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