Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Salam all :) 
Good morning! Ha!

The lesson yesterday kinda bothered me a lot. (I'm doing psychiatry now, and yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Sexuology department)
It's sad to know all these problems happening around the world.
Sexual orientation, sexual deviation, cheating husbands and wives, pornography bla bla bla. 

And sadder to think not many of us are safe from it. 
To keep quiet and pretend to be blind to the problems won't do.
Cause one day we'll have family and children and if we don't save ourselves from what the world has become (hideous by the day), our progeny would be ruined, and as they're our responsibilities, our Hereafter won't look pretty aite?

Heck, if I don't save my own family, that'll ruin us. 

Go on, spend half an hour on this :) 
I hope it'll give insight, the future is not bleak as it seems before. 
Allah has provided us answers, from Islam, the way of life. It's our task to find it.
Sometimes solutions are so simple compared to the problems. ;)


rusnarusli said...

salam zizi :)

i like this line of yours :
"It's our task to find it"


kalau kita tak berusaha mencari, sampai bila tak akan bertemu Allah kan :)

jazakillah :)

neneknora said...

salam che rus ;)

huhu.. betul2..

saya rase kadang2 Allah kasi stress sikit belajar, so that benda tu terngiang2, sampailah kita dapat jawapannya.. hehe

thanks jugak lwt blog! xoxo

life after the hurdle

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