Monday, April 25, 2011

break free from you! ha!

There're voices saying I should give up. 
"Susah sangatlah ni"
Shut up voices. 

Dear self, before you give up, please try. 
That step is necessary to break down the wall. ^^
InsyaAllah, He has written what is best.
Have faith.
And the right attitude.

I'm trying out this habitator, it's been 2 months and the results are always a little disappointing in the later half of the month. :(
Yikes! :) I'm never the expert on time management, so probably it'll take a while to get used to. Hee~
From my observation though, I find that:
I forgot to allocate time for studying, and I also didn't list out things I have to cut down so as to be more productive in the habitator. (Things like, no junking, to not sleep more than 6 hours a day etc.) 
Yup2, lets not give up and modify whatever weaknesses there are. ^^ Oh yeah! Selagi hayat dikandung badan, it's never too late to do our part! Assaaaaa~

Apa itu habitator? Tekan sini -----> HABITATOR


O Allah, on this little journey, on what time I have left with, please make ease for what is best, for Your barakah, for Your Jannah, for I'm a human who sins, for I'm only human, for I fear your Hellfire. I am nothing, in fact, I'm a terrible person, without You. 

Ya Allah, permudahkan langkahku untuk sentiasa beribadah kepadaMu. 

Untuk hanyut, 
Serius aku takut. 
*tsk tsk*

Yang masih banyak khilaf,


Unknown said...

Zizie, jom sama2 baiki diri.:)

neneknora said...

jom kak syana jom!!! :)

life after the hurdle

 Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping.  Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...