Tuesday, September 28, 2010

charmander, I summon you!

It has been getting a lil' too cold around here. And the non functioning heater is making things worse :P Meh. 

There's the electric heater but one senior told me it's gonna cost us so much if we turn it on frequently so I'd probably switch it on when other methods of keeping own self warm won't be of help. 

Good thing there's the layering option. (i.e. wearing many layers of garments)


Charmander is a Pokemon by the way, a dragon that spits fire. 

An ideal release from a Pokeball in times such as this one ;)


Kak Syifa told me that her mom told her, if a cat enters your dream, it's a sign that it misses you. Do cats dream of us when we miss it? 

Oh ponder. Ponder.

:'( I'm missing Ellie so miserably. And like any human beings, I only realised it when Ellie's not near. 

Ellie is now in home, Malaysia. A cat that - is potty trained, purrs well, bathe weekly (he smells oh so nice!), knows how to give leg massage, catch flies. He is also a good listener. Ha!



Oh so sedih!


dr1/6 said...

i could use a charmander and a jigglypuff.



neneknora said...

*sings dr 1/6 a jigglypuff lullaby*

Jiggleee puff jiggleeeeeeeeee~ puuufff~

Jiggleee puff jiggleeeeeeeeee~ puuufff~

Jiggleee puff jiggleeeeeeeeee~ puuufff~
*then paints dr 1/6 face with dark marker*

*kejam kejam T.T*

hehehe.. you still remember that part? she gets upset when people sleep instead of listening to her sing and goes contenging people's faces :P


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