However, it's not advisable to talk of laboratory experiments for we are all bound to a certain level of secrecy.
Just that, surgery seems fitting :D
(Add a lil' bit of imagination here.)
Owh how I love practicals~
I think my brain needs some workout.
And not of the memorising kind, more to analytical thinking.
Sudoku wee hoo~
Rubiks wee hoo~ (I was taught to solve this one by Mama a very loooooong time ago. Now I seem to lose it).
I can't grow stupid with time. Gah.
Fight ohhhhhh~~~
Orang yang menjerit kuat tidak dibenarkan untuk masuk ke operation theatre kelak akan menambahkan stress surgeon2 dan juga pesakit.hahaha.kidding dik!! ;p
owh nooo!!! *menjerit sikit* hehe
tape2... hari tu belajar time mcd... kalau nak beremosi, jangan depan patient, kite kene pandai jaga... keep our cool... hehe :D
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