Picture Desk Perfect
1.Take a picture of your desk/table
2.Don’t change anything
3.Don’t edit anything
4.Try to explain what’s on your desk

And definitely shows that I have not been studying for the weekend.
The desk opposes Ejai's cause we thought that it's a good stimulant to study. There's a competitive side to both of us when it comes to who has done the most pages of Guyton and Hall Physiology (you can very well see it on her desk) and with the challenger right opposite you, you can't help yourself from wanting to do more. (This is healthy competition okay!).
Recalling that day.
Ejai: Weh, kau dah muka surat berapa dah?
Nora: Hmmm... dengan keadaan test petang ni, banyak la gak.
Ejai: Muka surat berapa?
Nora: 59 (sebagai contoh, sebab tak ingat muka surat sebenar)
Ejai: Bapak arr. Laju nye kau baca. Aku baru nak start 59 (sebagai contoh juga)
Nora: Cett, sama la tu!
Ejai: Kenapa aku rase makin banyak je kene bace eyh?
Nora: Aku rasela kan, buku ni tipu kite la. Tetibe je cerita die cam jadi panjang.
Ejai dan Nora: HAHAHAHAHA
(kedua-dua pelajar menyambung menelaah buku dengan rajin)
IN and OUT drawers (further right) serves for dumping lecture/class notes to be sorted out on weekends.
Calendar doesn't serve much purpose this month due to it being Jae Joong's month. (Yunho is July... huaaa.. lama lagi!)
What else? Frame on friend is a birthday present from Flo. Tic Tac (mint, melon) for when I am bored with studies/Youtube. Hehe. Purple puncher, purple stapler, calculator, tape, packet of tissue, pencil box with Dy Pierre (punched-up-bear) and U Know (lion).
And the adorable computer.
(Sunbae, Nadia, Rian, DONE! hehehe~)
apa perasaan eh..smbil study sambil pandang muka kawan?
[klu xde perasaan bagusla..ade perasaan parah pulak..hahahaa]
and i nie smbil study n terasa mcm jaejoong tgh pandang i pun..i blushing..hahahha![errkk..bolehkah?..hihihi]
*stares at MY table*
Okay, I lose. :P
tenkiu dah reply tag i..hihi
mntop r susunn meja tu,
muka ayu ejai dah jadik pembakar smgt u ntok study..hihi
refer to rian >> ada eh kes bleh blushing kalau kita rasa gambar tu tgk kita?hahahaha.kelaka la.blek :p
zizi : bagus2.keep on tagging ;p
aish, lawanya susunan meja dia..hehehehe
ah you guys changed arrangement then.
so neat looking!
hehehe... u see, this is pre-studying condition... wait till test/exams come... we can all end up shocked! exam is when we'll end up utilising all available space for books papers etc.. hehehe
yup sarah! changed the arrangement... we have space to play twister in the room now! :)
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