Thursday, February 05, 2009

do you feel what i feel?

Parents musta have it hard if we don't tell them everything.

What do we call those things again?
Sixth sense?
Maternal/paternal instinct?

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a feeling it implies to all of us.
When you are happy, sad (ESPECIALLY when you are sad) THEY (the parents) KNOW IT! And lately in my case, it's going the other way round too!


I remembered back in college and Abah doesn't want to pick me back home.
I didn't tell him I was disappointed, I just told him:"It's okay, I'll stay in college" (when actually, I cried the whole day and half the night... gila betul... homesick sangat.. till the housemates dare not approach me in my wake. Haha) but that night my mom called:
"Nora, Abah tanya, awak merajuk dengan dia ke? Dia tak sedap hatilah. Janganlah merajuk."
(Shocked I tell ya!!! It's like he can read my mind. So I went back the next day. Naik KTM. First journey back home by myself, alone. Then it became a habit. Going back alone that is. Itupun kena ceramah panjang sebab balik Praha-Malaysia-Praha sendiri. Thrill giler. :P Hehe. )

And for Histology exam last year:
"Salam Nora, awak tak apa-apa? Mama tak boleh tidur ni. Asyik teringat awak je."
(I planned not telling her I was freaking scared for the exam but yeah, parents feel it, so I can't possibly escape. And it ends with Mama telling me to go and rest. And I did. And the feel was wonderful.)

There was also this sequence of events I'd rather not mention cause it involved too many parties but yeah, all of it from the telepathic relationship we share.

And for the past few nights, I can't sleep right.
Was too busy thinking or maybe too busy not thinking. Aigoo~ Complicated there.
And Yasmin buzzed me today.
"Nora mama kata, dia merajuk sebab Nora tak call dia. Mama kata tak kisahlah kejayaan ke kesedihan ke, dia nak share semua."
Astargfirullah. Haih. No wonder it felt so weird with the cardia these few days.


Many the miles
Many the hours
Cloudy days
Bad weathers
You're always there
Always around
I never did realise
Until I felt what you always feel
(Pengajarannya, janganlah merajuk/sorokkan apa-apa daripada pengetahuan orang yang mengambil berat sebab diorang boleh merasainya)

Umbrella for dear parents:

Alhamdulillah that we have parents~


aqilahechizen said...

sy pun pnh mengalami gak..
tdkan tetiba je mak bg msg padahal kat msia dah pkl 4 pg...plik gak..dia kata dia mimpi sesuatu x baik psl sy sbb tu dia mmg btul pun..seharian arini x bley nak study..mmg x baik btolll...huhu...lps tu dah bley study..yey!!

neneknora said...

and the intensity of this relationship intensify with further separation of time and distance...
huhu... Subhanallah.. menarik sungguh jalinan camni :)

Alice said...

kak dira sangat nakkkk balik.

huwaaaa~ rindu nye..


neneknora said...

mari kite berendam air mata beramai-ramai...
:'( :'( :'(

earth angel said...

nak join jugak berendam air mata..hehhe

neneknora said...

kes kes kes.. join manje join!
yee haa~

life after the hurdle

 Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping.  Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...