(Hyun Ji, Jeremy)
Saengil chukahamnida Kim Hyun Ji! You are 9 years old now!
I used to teach this girl Bahasa and she would teach me Korean. Sweet, fast-learner, eager, and fun. Gosh I miss the Kim family. Jeremy with his "omma, shiro!" "omma! towajoseyo~" and Hyun Ji's favourite Bahasa Melayu phrase, "saya sayang awak!". Auntie Hannah's favourite is "jumpa esok!". If you ask me why I love Korea so much, I dedicate that to this family. :) Apart from Hana Unni and the 4 dong seng (younger siblings) I have at home, these two are pretty much part of the siblings! (And Mama and Auntie Hannah are good at joining forces when it comes to telling us off... hahaha... dahsyat betul these mothers!)
Jin jja bogoshipo!
mane jmpe 2 anak korea ni?
nak blajar bhs korea gak..uwaaa
aaa.. diorg ni jiran time zizi duduk kat ipoh dulu...
tp skrg ktorg duduk shah alam diorg pun dah pindah penang... blaja masak-masak korea pun dr mak diorg... hihi...
jom cari jiran korea lagiiii... weeee~
hehe..saengil chukahamnida taky!
(ahh sudah..bhs super rojak dh dtg)
rs nk cubit2 je pipi budak2 itu!
owh..family Kim..
mcm Kim Jae Joong
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim jjang!! (tetiba..haha)
Wow, that is a sweet lovely girl! Haha
yeah... Kim jjang!!! :P ngehehehe Jung pun jjang gak! (future family I ni!)
ah pok:
yup2... she calls my brothers oppa... (it's big bro in Korean language)... aih.. and so sweet some more...
yer yer..Jung pun jjang jugak!!
(pengulangan 'j' disini)
Jung Yunho Jjang Jugak :P
keh keh keh...
wah.. kalau teruskan ni, takkan stop kot :P
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