Thursday, February 26, 2009


Bismillah.The cake. The one I had to carry all the way to the restaurant. Hehe. Punishment for not keeping the mouth shut. (Komawayo housemates tersayang sangat-sangat-sangatnya, Ejai, As, Kirin :D )

And so, yesterday, at 10.55am (Czech), 3.55 am (Kansas) and 5.55pm (Malaysia) I officially turned 20.

Alhamdulillah for the wishes, prayers, presents, hopes and dedications from dear family and friends! You guys sure are good at reminding me that I've aged :P.
Alhamdulillah also to have known so many people who has taught me so much on the short period we've known each other. Thanks for making the growing up process a beautiful journey. :)
To the best of friends, (you know who you are!) love and more from me :).

Hope that this moment onwards, I'll be able to contribute as much as you all have given me. InsyaAllah.

Different goes for Mama and Abah, I know I can never repay the many sacrifices in life you two have gone through in raising us children but we'll work hard towards the dream you've thought us, the one that involves an ever after. InsyaAllah.
(Dua tahun dah tak makan kek dekat rumah. :'( )

I used to think a lot on the transition from my teen-age years to my twenties (gosh, it sounds so old being put this way!) but now that it happened, it doesn't feel so bad. Though, it pretty much hit me that being a year older also means A YEAR CLOSER TO THE GRAVE. Yipes.

And because of that, the little wish kept this year is to keep doing better every moment.
- In belief.
- In value.
- In principle.

Then also to summon some declining skills.
- Write.
- Read. I've become a snail at reading now. Aigoo~
- Draw.
- Seeking solace.

Anyway, feel free to knock sense into me in this venture of doing the right. I'm sure you're aware of my flexible mode of thinking and if I'm off track, do steer me in the right direction. I won't bite. InsyaAllah. :)

Before I end, thank you, for being a part of this journey. And for the path left to be walked on, lets strive to be better aite!

Nora :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I didn't skip PE. Yay~

I must admit that one of the best things about studying here in First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague is PE lesson. They make it compulsory for your first 2 years of study!

The aerobics teacher reminded me today how those lessons had been keeping me fit :P. Boy, have I lost my supposedly-abundant-supply of stamina~

Alhamdulillah we did a little bit of exercise and stretching during the break or surely, I'd be experiencing muscle ache. Huhu~


And for some reasons, I've acquired post-exam-fever. I think my body suppressed the influenza during exam period and now, it has grown out of its dormant state. Uwaaaa~ And I have a feeling this is a superb one cause my eyes are all teary and the throat is also suffering at an accelerated speed (this is also contributed by singing activity which I can't seem to stop unless I don't listen to songs, which is what I've obliged myself to the whole evening... huhu). So, those fearing infection, stay at bay~ You have been warned! :)

As for study goes, microbes was interesting though it was hard to keep awake the last 10 minutes. I believe Paracatemol was taking effect back then.

And I am to reread perfektivni a imperfektivni slovesa :P.

And soon, I shall rest since there aren't much at hand for now. (Anyone whose sick should do that okay! Including you Florence!)

Cau cau. A hezkou noc!

Monday, February 23, 2009


is the mark of the start of the summer semester. 5 hours till that morning call.

I'm so sorry to have this feel of skipping PE. (That's why, played too much during break, look whose tired now! Padan muka. Dush!)

I won't skip PE.

I won't skip PE.

Gahahahaha. This should be a super-rajin semester!

Work your a** off!

Like Pok mentioned, must read the books like mad. 3 months away from finals weyh! (Physiology text is triple to that of Histology!!!)

Come everyone!

We MUST BECOME NERDS (when it comes to studying, that is. I believe we're entitled to live life still, in this pursuit of becoming a doctor, of a different kind. :D )
Hehe... Someone's excited :P

Actually, Alhamdulillah for the winter break. Sure was a meaningful one for having spent it with dearest friends.
Thanks to those who had the chance to drop by our house! (Rian, Raini, Dalila, Wani, Kawan-Kawan, Seniors :) -Twister and makan-makan and pillow talk itu best!-)
Thanks to those who accompanied me this ice-skating-winter (Flo, Rian, Raini, Kak Syamira, and Juniors yang sangat ramai~)
Thanks for the help throughout surviving Genetics (Practically everyone and particularly the housemates! Each of you have been such a lovely, supportive family/friend to me!)
The Karlovy Vary trip! (although it was freezing cold, nothing beats the view and the friendship and the love and singing patriotic songs. Flo, Kirin, As, Ejai, Thamarai, Kak Syaz, Kak Syamira, Kak Zainab. This heart could not but develop affection towards all of you. :) )
And whatever it was that made me happy but has forgotten to mention. I thank everyone and everything.

Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah for it all. :)

Okay. Looks like only one light is left to be switched off in this house.

Gotta stop typing ler.

Salam everyone. See ya soon!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

don't be selfish

Open your eyes

Open your heart

And you'll be surprise of the wonders

The wonders life has got to offer


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Nomu nomu nomu komapta.
(Really am thankful!)

Passed "the" genetics exam yesterday. The housemates did too, not long ago! (Now waiting for them to come back. And then, makan~)

Thank you Aslina for accompanying us, these 2 consequtive days. *Terharu*

Thank you SU kecik Praha for the roses. :) Mereka sangat comel.

Thanks to those who kept me in their prayers and the well wishers. :)

Above all, thank You Allah for all that you've given us.

(And it starts to snow as I write this post) :D

And we thought about what we've thought about last year but forgot:

The pursuit of knowledge is not because we want to get the exam over with.

We study because we want to know and understand more.

Next time, set your goals right aite!

And I also figured why I can never be a teacher.

Garang giler. (Maaf kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Sorry Kirin! :P )

Monday, February 16, 2009

anda yang bernama raini

Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran buat kamu.
Dalam geng kanak-kanak riang ribena kita, kamu dahulu yang masuk alam 20-an.
Tahniah dari aku. :)

Alhamdulillah atas persahabatan yang terjalin.
Semoga hidup sentiasa diberkatiNya.
Semoga sentiasa mendapat yang terbaik dariNya.


Sayang kau, dan jangan rindu aku sangat (sikit-sikit sudeyh),
Zizi yang berharap minggu depan akan tiba dengan lambat-ibarat-perjalanan-seekor-penyu-di-atas-pasir.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

my world is now pink

Don't ask why.

Ironically, it's got everything to do with my absence of elegance as a woman.

Today reminded me on one of those things I find interesting in Czech.

♥ for the family.

Whatever the celebration, they make it into a family-first event.

One of the Czech families in my block was on their way for dinner.
The grandma, parents and two daughters. The first one was carrying a rose and all of them looked so happy~

Sure makes life more meaningful. :)
(Bak kata ct aka sha, 1402 bukanlah hari berbahagia untuk couples aje)

And sure made some of us homesick. :(
(Meals together. Recreation. BBQ with lectures from Abah. Menyakat. etc etc)

Went "rande-konon" with Ejai. Coffee and Genetics and owh-so-comfortable-armchair -sadly they closed too soon, the kavarna that is-
(I think we should have a sofa here at Narodni Trida. I thought of this since last summer's exam actually. Cause comfortable-homy sofa is the best study companion! Aih~ Should go and survey for one soon! - Gile ape? Ingat rumah ni besar sangat?).

And this evening I found out that walking in the cold with enought layers of clothing has a calming effect. Winter isn't so bad after all. :)


And for the soul,
Never cease trying dear!

O Allah, please make ease for what is best for all of us. Amin.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

manje n nora

Manje mengupas nostalgia lama kitaorang.

Klik sini.

Comel bukan? Patutlah sekarang pun comel. :P

before i go to bed

Thursday already.

Then, Monday. Owh~ It'll finally come.
THE genetics exam.
For the second time this year.

And like always,

The blog posts starts piling.
And the heart rate accelerates.
Those questions.
Will I remember?
Have I read enough?
Those regrets.
Exactly what was I doing?
What was I trying to prove?

Then my senior Kak Sharifah, reminded me.
That Allah holds the power to everything. To EVERY SINGLE THING.

Kirin told us, we don't necessarily need to burden ourselves with worries. Have faith!

Hana reminds me that my brain, and body, however I believe they're stress-proof, needs rest too. :)

And we do the best we could, to our capacity.
*And of course we have to do better every try! Never ever ever ever give up!*

Alhamdulillah God gave us challenge.
Alhamdulillah that He wants us to always remember Him.
Alhamdulillah whenever we go astray, there's always someone to help us get back on track and walk with us.

And now, for a much needed sleep :)
Pray for all of us here, if you could ;)
Dekuju mockrat~ (Thanks a bunch!)

there are times

(Siapa reti baca mesej di atas? :D )

When I run and it feels like my feet have left the ground and I somewhat ascend onto layers of air.

I'm starting to miss summer.

Today I got out, hoping that I could study in the presence of nature (not people but trees, insects, birds, bla bla bla) but it was snowing (the kind that melts once the snowflake reaches your skin) and the wind was blowing like it never did before, making it colder than it already was.

So I went to Akedemie Ved instead. For 2 hours and a half.
(Somehow, libraries and I don't get along that well)


Warmth. How I long for you~

*This is what we call making excuses for not finishing the target for today*

Cold, warm, hot; they're are just absence/presence of heat.

If you're cold in winter, find a heater. If you're hot in summer, switch on the fan.

And you:
"Nora, don't sleep till you've done what you're supposed to do or you'll definitely end up a moronic, irresponsible jerk. Get it? Hah? Get it?????"

Got it. Study study study.

"It's just studying x 99999" *plaster encephalon*

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Aslina, Florence bersama-sama kasut baru mereka :)
Luncur ais itu best sangat :)
Menggembirakan juga :)


Dan kadangkala kita berhenti seketika daripada kegiatan harian.

Kerapkali, hentian adalah kerana ada yang menghalang.

Dan halangan itu pula, boleh datang dalam pelbagai cara.


Bagi aku, halangan yang paling mudah dihadapi tapi yang selalu ditangguhkan adalah cabaran minda.

Terutama sekali yang melibatkan Emotional Intelligence Quotient.

Aku rasa minda aku dah kontang sekarang sebab dah lama jugak aku tak bagi masa kat dia (minda aku) untuk duduk dekat satu penjuru dan berfikir dengan mendalam (ini sangat jauh bezanya dengan aktiviti rehat/tidur).

Mana taknya. Habis satu otazky je, terus aku menghadap komputer dan buat rutin Tiub Engkau (YouTube) dan Buku Muka (Facebook). (Aku seharusnya belajar menghormati masa dan nikmat masa yang diberi)


Owh aku tak percaya aku akan melangkah keluar dari alam remaja. Dan aku masih tertanya-tanya macam mana Mama boleh kahwin umur 20 tahun. Melihat anak-anaknya, sedikit musykil di situ.

Dan operasi cuci otak pun bermula.

Kalau ada sesiapa yang mencari aku, aku di dalam stor mungkin.

Dan buat malam ini, WiFi ditutup.

SMS aku secara percuma melalui kalau rindu. (Owh, tolonglah jangan perasan Cik Nora Ooi~)

Doakan aku berjaya.


Salam sejahtera!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

saengil chuka hamnida

Happy Birthday, to a guy who has gotten my mom's restu:
DBSK leader U Know Yunho.
23 now.
This is one Mr Wahlauwei. (Like Hana said, you are allowed to faint.. hehehe)

(Hana, mianhe... cause I didn't mention abang ipar punya birthday on the 26th! :P )

Thursday, February 05, 2009

do you feel what i feel?

Parents musta have it hard if we don't tell them everything.

What do we call those things again?
Sixth sense?
Maternal/paternal instinct?

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a feeling it implies to all of us.
When you are happy, sad (ESPECIALLY when you are sad) THEY (the parents) KNOW IT! And lately in my case, it's going the other way round too!


I remembered back in college and Abah doesn't want to pick me back home.
I didn't tell him I was disappointed, I just told him:"It's okay, I'll stay in college" (when actually, I cried the whole day and half the night... gila betul... homesick sangat.. till the housemates dare not approach me in my wake. Haha) but that night my mom called:
"Nora, Abah tanya, awak merajuk dengan dia ke? Dia tak sedap hatilah. Janganlah merajuk."
(Shocked I tell ya!!! It's like he can read my mind. So I went back the next day. Naik KTM. First journey back home by myself, alone. Then it became a habit. Going back alone that is. Itupun kena ceramah panjang sebab balik Praha-Malaysia-Praha sendiri. Thrill giler. :P Hehe. )

And for Histology exam last year:
"Salam Nora, awak tak apa-apa? Mama tak boleh tidur ni. Asyik teringat awak je."
(I planned not telling her I was freaking scared for the exam but yeah, parents feel it, so I can't possibly escape. And it ends with Mama telling me to go and rest. And I did. And the feel was wonderful.)

There was also this sequence of events I'd rather not mention cause it involved too many parties but yeah, all of it from the telepathic relationship we share.

And for the past few nights, I can't sleep right.
Was too busy thinking or maybe too busy not thinking. Aigoo~ Complicated there.
And Yasmin buzzed me today.
"Nora mama kata, dia merajuk sebab Nora tak call dia. Mama kata tak kisahlah kejayaan ke kesedihan ke, dia nak share semua."
Astargfirullah. Haih. No wonder it felt so weird with the cardia these few days.


Many the miles
Many the hours
Cloudy days
Bad weathers
You're always there
Always around
I never did realise
Until I felt what you always feel
(Pengajarannya, janganlah merajuk/sorokkan apa-apa daripada pengetahuan orang yang mengambil berat sebab diorang boleh merasainya)

Umbrella for dear parents:

Alhamdulillah that we have parents~

Monday, February 02, 2009

7 hours away from you

Abah, you're now 44 years old.
Abah, live long and healthy and productively.
Drink lotsa plain water and take care of your well being!
We're with you no matter what your decisions are!
Love you very much and definitely am missing you like I never did before!

Anyway Abah,
Still remember when you told us that marriage is for legacy, and legacy, if brought up right, will lead to eternal happiness?
You've teach us all the rights (but we tend to make silly mistakes! our apologies!)
However, as the legacy of mama and yours, InsyaAllah, we'll try our best and strive harder in seeking that happiness, together!

We live once.
We die forever.
We hope to be able to be the best of sons/daughters for you and like how you've been there for us without fail, we hope to be as dedicated too! InsyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah for the love you've been giving us.
We could only thank God for what great parents you've been to us children for we know very well that we can never repay you for all you've done.

Alhamdulillah for the life we've lived.
Alhamdulillah for the life we're living.
Alhamdulillah for the life we'll be living.

*Saengil chuka hamnida uri abuji~*

life after the hurdle

 Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping.  Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...