The cake. The one I had to carry all the way to the restaurant. Hehe. Punishment for not keeping the mouth shut. (Komawayo housemates tersayang sangat-sangat-sangatnya, Ejai, As, Kirin :D )
And so, yesterday, at 10.55am (Czech), 3.55 am (Kansas) and 5.55pm (Malaysia) I officially turned 20.
Alhamdulillah for the wishes, prayers, presents, hopes and dedications from dear family and friends! You guys sure are good at reminding me that I've aged :P.
Alhamdulillah also to have known so many people who has taught me so much on the short period we've known each other. Thanks for making the growing up process a beautiful journey. :)
To the best of friends, (you know who you are!) love and more from me :).
Hope that this moment onwards, I'll be able to contribute as much as you all have given me. InsyaAllah.
Different goes for Mama and Abah, I know I can never repay the many sacrifices in life you two have gone through in raising us children but we'll work hard towards the dream you've thought us, the one that involves an ever after. InsyaAllah.
(Dua tahun dah tak makan kek dekat rumah. :'( )
I used to think a lot on the transition from my teen-age years to my twenties (gosh, it sounds so old being put this way!) but now that it happened, it doesn't feel so bad. Though, it pretty much hit me that being a year older also means A YEAR CLOSER TO THE GRAVE. Yipes.
And because of that, the little wish kept this year is to keep doing better every moment.
- In belief.
- In value.
- In principle.
Then also to summon some declining skills.
- Write.
- Read. I've become a snail at reading now. Aigoo~
- Draw.
- Seeking solace.
Anyway, feel free to knock sense into me in this venture of doing the right. I'm sure you're aware of my flexible mode of thinking and if I'm off track, do steer me in the right direction. I won't bite. InsyaAllah. :)
Before I end, thank you, for being a part of this journey. And for the path left to be walked on, lets strive to be better aite!
Nora :)