So yesterday we tried out iftar at the Kuwait mosque. :) It feels more like a mosque, with kids running around. (Well, mainly Nasir running around :P ) Brings you close to that kampung feel, only, what I like about here is that, the children won't get scolded for being children. Heee... ^_^
Maybe one of the things that shuns me away from marriage is because I'm scared I'll be too strict with my children, cause I was (err or still am) hyperactive and I have spent most of my childhood being told to sit still. I was even tied with my sister once, for inventing the sport of talc-powder-sliding. I mean, how can a growing child with inquisitive instinct stay idle in one place? Ridiculous. Haha. Anyway, I would feel sorry if my child has to suffer endless nags and scoldings.
Today I got to look back and reminisce my interaction with children. And apparently, my fear of being a restrictive parent is obsolete. Of course, there're things we can't compromise with but yeah, play is important for the physical and mental development of a child, so, lets roll around and play with children!
Adults, can be playful. I guess what differs then and now is that, now, we are playful and
I thank God to have the opportunity to study abroad. Best tengok interaction non-Malaysian parents with their children. Gives you faith that families can be functional after all.
10 days old Mansor!!!
Nasir. Budak tebal dan kebal. He was so funny when he was eating and fell backward, and he kept rocking his body cause he was so round in the stomach that he couldn't bring himself to sit back up again. Adorbssss!!!
Owh, and we were running around in the mosque, I was chasing him, and almost caught him, when he stopped, both hands raised, with a determined expression, saying "A TO MUSTAHILLLL!!!!!" (If I may translate, that is impossible!!!! [my catching him]) And he continued running. Lol. I was too busy being stunned and laughing to go after him after that. Haha. Lawak lah budak-budak.
Apparently, a lot of people telah meng-kantoikan diri sendiri that they were stalking my Facebook, for they were curious to know if my Auntie did, in fact, offer me a marriage proposal. And I told them, if they wanna stalk, then, they should have stalked the comments till the end. They won't find the real matter of proposal, but, they would at least know that, it wasn't a marriage proposal. :P
The matter? I have a babysitting job that awaits me when I get back. Infant-sitting to be exact ;) Ooh la laaaa... Ayra Nisa. She'd be 4 months old when I get back inshaAllah. And I can't wait ^_^
I'm gonna have to be strict this time and not let Mama and Abah interfere like how they did with Artemis (my potted plant which died because of over care). Haha.
Trip to Zuhra's yesterday. I thought the tram ride there (towards Sidliste Barrandov) was a gift of its own. I long for a walk but I don't think I'd fare well with fasting and the sunny weather. Alhamdulillah, again, for the opportunity. Ketenangan of end stations :)
Houses on valleys and hills.
Peneman perjalanan, Che Rus.
My skin is merajuking with me I think. All those urticaria attacks. :( Don't know why I have 'em this year. All I know, what triggers them is being in a stuffy/dusty area.
Kriteria Pertama:
I read somewhere that, if you wanna ask questions pre-marriage, the ones to ask are, those that you think will break a marriage.
I think ineffective communication will definitely read a downfall. Even if not, it would definitely cause unhappy moments.
I'd like it if he could acknowledge that I should know any decision making, and then, make me understand why a certain measure has to be taken. Allow me to question things, so that I can get a clearer picture. Allow me to have doubts but assure me that it'll be fine. I can be very supportive and forgiving if someone trust me enough to let me take part in things.
In my opinion, even if things go down the drain, at least, we've got each other held accountable for things, and no one is to be blamed for any misfortune. Cause when you've made a mistake, or challenged with failure, I don't think you'd want people to say "I told you so", rather, you need support to come back up again.
I know I'm a bit hard headed so I hope we'll somewhat forgive each other every day, no one has to go to bed angry.
Ohkay. Tu paling penting kot. Lets see what I can come out with next.