If I could say what I want to say.
If I could say what I want to see.
Even if I did, the outcome wouldn't be as straightforward.
Life, sure is teaching a lot of things lately.
And to be happy whilst being patient.
Itu anugerah teragung.
Telan pahit sabar, kelak kan terasa manisnya.
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
the ocean at the end of the lane
It was a great book, one that I'll reread after the final exam. :)
Alhamdulillah, that I'm now at my last exam hurdle. Do pray that it all goes well. :)
It was a great book, one that I'll reread after the final exam. :)
Alhamdulillah, that I'm now at my last exam hurdle. Do pray that it all goes well. :)
wedding bells
The tawaran untuk menjadi bridesmaid has come. I'm grateful, that people actually trust me to stand on the err frontline, and not cause an accident. I just hope people won't start asking "yang ni bila pulak?" but that kinda thing will happen anyway, so I gotta come up with witty answers so that I won't feel so dejected in the end.
"saya tengah usaha nak Islamkan bakal suami saya ni, mak cik doakanlah, pintu hati dia akan terbuka" lol lol
If it were known relatives, then, they will most probably clobber me on the spot. :P Which would make it funny. Imagine random strangers asking you this.
Pulls out a chart on height distribution, clearly showing a bell's curve "mak cik, kalau mak cik lihat di sini, untuk memastikan keseimbangan dalam graf taburan-umur-berkahwin-semasa, orang-orang macam saya diperlukan untuk mengisi ruang sebelah kanan ni, semua untuk kemaslahatan umat dunia ini!"
I can imagine an auntie of mine going "Tulah, orang dah cakap haritu, cari je tauke minyak Arab sorang" "Tapi, Abah cakap, apa-apa pun, jangan kahwin orang Arab.". <- boleh="" hoo="" lah.="" lain="" maksudnya="" nbsp="" negara="" p="" woo="">
Ohkay, itu semua alasan. Aku dah hidup cukup lama, untuk buat kesimpulan yang, soal hati dan perasaan ni, biarlah bila sudah bersedia. Kalau tak, ianya, cuma berakhir sebagai kisah seorang yang terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri. Serius tak best camtu. Bilakah sedia itu? Sedia itu subjektif, dan bergantung kepada individu, kadang-kadang, tak terjangka, hatta dalam peperiksaan pun, kita sahaja rasa yang kita tak bersedia, walhal, Allah lebih mengetahui, di mana mampu kita, dan mengikut percaturan agung, Allah permudahkan, semua yang terbaik untuk kita.
Panjang benar muqadimahnya. Nak ucapkan selamat maju jaya dekat Bakal-Puan Echizen actually :) A bit sedih, in a way, cause I'm so busy this year, tak dapat nak spend time and get updates from you, about your well being and all. Good thing there's the blog that I could go to. And sometimes, Skype and Twitter. And you'll be tying the knot soon and I hope, this would mark a more wholesome journey for you in this world. :) Semoga dipermudahkan, segala urusan, daripada peperiksaan sehinggalah kepada persediaan-persediaan yang perlu. I hope to meet before you head back to Prague for the final year. ;) I wish you the very best dear, you deserve the best! ^^,
Love always,
The tawaran untuk menjadi bridesmaid has come. I'm grateful, that people actually trust me to stand on the err frontline, and not cause an accident. I just hope people won't start asking "yang ni bila pulak?" but that kinda thing will happen anyway, so I gotta come up with witty answers so that I won't feel so dejected in the end.
"saya tengah usaha nak Islamkan bakal suami saya ni, mak cik doakanlah, pintu hati dia akan terbuka" lol lol
If it were known relatives, then, they will most probably clobber me on the spot. :P Which would make it funny. Imagine random strangers asking you this.
Pulls out a chart on height distribution, clearly showing a bell's curve "mak cik, kalau mak cik lihat di sini, untuk memastikan keseimbangan dalam graf taburan-umur-berkahwin-semasa, orang-orang macam saya diperlukan untuk mengisi ruang sebelah kanan ni, semua untuk kemaslahatan umat dunia ini!"
I can imagine an auntie of mine going "Tulah, orang dah cakap haritu, cari je tauke minyak Arab sorang" "Tapi, Abah cakap, apa-apa pun, jangan kahwin orang Arab.". <- boleh="" hoo="" lah.="" lain="" maksudnya="" nbsp="" negara="" p="" woo="">
Ohkay, itu semua alasan. Aku dah hidup cukup lama, untuk buat kesimpulan yang, soal hati dan perasaan ni, biarlah bila sudah bersedia. Kalau tak, ianya, cuma berakhir sebagai kisah seorang yang terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri. Serius tak best camtu. Bilakah sedia itu? Sedia itu subjektif, dan bergantung kepada individu, kadang-kadang, tak terjangka, hatta dalam peperiksaan pun, kita sahaja rasa yang kita tak bersedia, walhal, Allah lebih mengetahui, di mana mampu kita, dan mengikut percaturan agung, Allah permudahkan, semua yang terbaik untuk kita.
Panjang benar muqadimahnya. Nak ucapkan selamat maju jaya dekat Bakal-Puan Echizen actually :) A bit sedih, in a way, cause I'm so busy this year, tak dapat nak spend time and get updates from you, about your well being and all. Good thing there's the blog that I could go to. And sometimes, Skype and Twitter. And you'll be tying the knot soon and I hope, this would mark a more wholesome journey for you in this world. :) Semoga dipermudahkan, segala urusan, daripada peperiksaan sehinggalah kepada persediaan-persediaan yang perlu. I hope to meet before you head back to Prague for the final year. ;) I wish you the very best dear, you deserve the best! ^^,
Love always,
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The worst thing a parent could do to their children, is to make them feel unloved.
And the best thing for that child to feel, is to be able to make excuses and forgive.
And today I thank Allah for the chances I never thought I would have.
God is good. All the time.
Dari Salman Al-Farsi r.a meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai sifat malu, dan memberi kepada orang yang tidak meminta dengan pemberian yang banyak. Apabila seseorang mengangkat tangannya dihadapan Allah, memohon sesuatu, maka Allah amat malu untuk memulangkan kedua tangan tersebut dengan tangan kosong".
(HR Tirmizi)
I should never ever underestimate the power of making dua.
The worst thing a parent could do to their children, is to make them feel unloved.
And the best thing for that child to feel, is to be able to make excuses and forgive.
And today I thank Allah for the chances I never thought I would have.
God is good. All the time.
Dari Salman Al-Farsi r.a meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai sifat malu, dan memberi kepada orang yang tidak meminta dengan pemberian yang banyak. Apabila seseorang mengangkat tangannya dihadapan Allah, memohon sesuatu, maka Allah amat malu untuk memulangkan kedua tangan tersebut dengan tangan kosong".
(HR Tirmizi)
I should never ever underestimate the power of making dua.
Saturday, June 08, 2013
borderline crazy
I know I'm not done with exam, but I got excited that people are selling their stuffs. So I did a little inventory of my own.
I started with my clothes but stopped half way, cause it really took up my time. Sebab I try them on before piling them into the give away/to sell bunch. Haha. I realise that I have lotsa prints. Flower prints. Adorbs~ but have to let go. For my own betterment.
And this morning I sorted out my books. God, gila sedih nak berpisah. I tried piling them up, then, the bunch that I plan to bring back is the tallest one. Apa guna packing macam ni. Hahaha. Susah betul nak jadi ruthless when it comes to books. And I haven't even started on the Medic books yet. T_T
It's not like I do not bring books back every summer, anticipating this to come, but there're just too many.
In a way, seeing all this books, I know where my money has gone to, besides foodstuff. XD har har har.
You know what I should have done? I should have made a library, and rent my books.
But it's too late now :P
And then, there're books that people borrowed but has yet to return.
The good side? I have books that I need to return to people as well. (Tak sampai 5 pun. I don't know how this would help. T_T)
I know I'm not done with exam, but I got excited that people are selling their stuffs. So I did a little inventory of my own.
I started with my clothes but stopped half way, cause it really took up my time. Sebab I try them on before piling them into the give away/to sell bunch. Haha. I realise that I have lotsa prints. Flower prints. Adorbs~ but have to let go. For my own betterment.
And this morning I sorted out my books. God, gila sedih nak berpisah. I tried piling them up, then, the bunch that I plan to bring back is the tallest one. Apa guna packing macam ni. Hahaha. Susah betul nak jadi ruthless when it comes to books. And I haven't even started on the Medic books yet. T_T
It's not like I do not bring books back every summer, anticipating this to come, but there're just too many.
In a way, seeing all this books, I know where my money has gone to, besides foodstuff. XD har har har.
You know what I should have done? I should have made a library, and rent my books.
But it's too late now :P
And then, there're books that people borrowed but has yet to return.
The good side? I have books that I need to return to people as well. (Tak sampai 5 pun. I don't know how this would help. T_T)
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
I get confused now, with two blogs.
The tea blog is for the general audience.
Keep that in mind yaw!!
I get confused now, with two blogs.
The tea blog is for the general audience.
Keep that in mind yaw!!
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life after the hurdle
Bismillah The first agenda on the list, camping. Drove to a camping spot, set up tent, shelter, cooked a Michelin-star inspired ramen. Enj...

Bismillah O Allah, grant this heart peace, for I am at lost right now. I think I broke my own heart. Can you make it that it was purely ...
"Kalau ada peluang lagi, tiada sebab untuk bersedih" ----- I failed Genetics, but Alhamdulillah that I went for the exam or else I...
Like Brownian motion Loss in a line of action In this labyrinth of constellation I see only a fraction A fraction Of dynamic passion ...