I wanna go homeeeeeeeee T_T
I'm missing everyone.
Everyone :'(
Ish2, sikit lagi... come on you! Teruskan berusahaaa!!!
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
i'm not stupid
The Smooth Talker
The more we talk, the more room is given for others to make conclusions,
Especially those wise observant others.
The more lies you make,
The more you make a fool of yourself.
That admitting you're wrong and that you don't know,
Can, in some circumstances, be more trusting.
Really, to have made people believe,
In your definite utterance of rubbish,
Was an UGLY act.
If you're a doctor, and you don't know,
You may kill somebody.
Heck, if you're a lawyer, and you don't know,
You'd be the same.
*It's really a waste if we don't investigate truth cause we'd end up doing the wrong thing, choosing the wrong person, going the wrong path* May Allah protect us all from that.
I too fear that I haven't learnt enough.
Anyway, Productive Muslim came up with awesome PDF for Ramadhan planning~
Woo hoo!!!
Hope to do something more this time around.
I'm afraid the last Ramadhan was not spent productively.
Huaaargghhhhh :'(
Tahun ni nak plan dengan Mamalah. Ok Mama?
Anyway, here's the link for the 30 days Ramadhan Taskinator.
Lets pray we'll get to enjoy this Ramadhan and make the most out of it yeah? InsyaAllah.
*I honestly am hoping it'll turn out better this time" huhu
Pineapple Pockets
Yesterday Kak Liza and Syamira taught me one valuable lesson.
To cherish what moments we have had.
To be grateful enough to what has been given, so that anger won't enclose you.
Cause when it does, it gives very little room for forgiveness and too much room for hatred.
So often, the heart is clouded by a mistake, and then, all hell break lose, the tongue lashing hurtful words, the body signalling defiance.
We all need to envelop the heart with so much gratitude and warmth, and prolly, even fear of hurting one another. And to know, that there exist an exception when right could be wrong. i.e. Even how right you think you are, sometimes, it's better to stop and calm the storm.
Owh and one interesting thing I got to hear the first time is the importance of having some boundaries when it comes to being close to some people. Hehehe. :) Respect others, but don't let your privilege be taken away from you. Hehehe. This one is a lil' to private to be talked about in details, so I shall stop at that. :P Kekeke.
Since we are unsure when to meet again, we had cappucino and this pineapple pocket - thinly slice pineapple which pockets mascarpone and strawberry, then garnished with strawberry jam - somewhere near the embassy. Yummilicious *Kak Liza's treat ^^* kekeke
Pineapple pockets remind me of Tom Riddle and Slughorn though XD
The more we talk, the more room is given for others to make conclusions,
Especially those wise observant others.
The more lies you make,
The more you make a fool of yourself.
That admitting you're wrong and that you don't know,
Can, in some circumstances, be more trusting.
Really, to have made people believe,
In your definite utterance of rubbish,
Was an UGLY act.
If you're a doctor, and you don't know,
You may kill somebody.
Heck, if you're a lawyer, and you don't know,
You'd be the same.
*It's really a waste if we don't investigate truth cause we'd end up doing the wrong thing, choosing the wrong person, going the wrong path* May Allah protect us all from that.
I too fear that I haven't learnt enough.
Anyway, Productive Muslim came up with awesome PDF for Ramadhan planning~
Woo hoo!!!
Hope to do something more this time around.
I'm afraid the last Ramadhan was not spent productively.
Huaaargghhhhh :'(
Tahun ni nak plan dengan Mamalah. Ok Mama?
Anyway, here's the link for the 30 days Ramadhan Taskinator.
Lets pray we'll get to enjoy this Ramadhan and make the most out of it yeah? InsyaAllah.
*I honestly am hoping it'll turn out better this time" huhu
Pineapple Pockets
Yesterday Kak Liza and Syamira taught me one valuable lesson.
To cherish what moments we have had.
To be grateful enough to what has been given, so that anger won't enclose you.
Cause when it does, it gives very little room for forgiveness and too much room for hatred.
So often, the heart is clouded by a mistake, and then, all hell break lose, the tongue lashing hurtful words, the body signalling defiance.
We all need to envelop the heart with so much gratitude and warmth, and prolly, even fear of hurting one another. And to know, that there exist an exception when right could be wrong. i.e. Even how right you think you are, sometimes, it's better to stop and calm the storm.
Owh and one interesting thing I got to hear the first time is the importance of having some boundaries when it comes to being close to some people. Hehehe. :) Respect others, but don't let your privilege be taken away from you. Hehehe. This one is a lil' to private to be talked about in details, so I shall stop at that. :P Kekeke.
Since we are unsure when to meet again, we had cappucino and this pineapple pocket - thinly slice pineapple which pockets mascarpone and strawberry, then garnished with strawberry jam - somewhere near the embassy. Yummilicious *Kak Liza's treat ^^* kekeke
Pineapple pockets remind me of Tom Riddle and Slughorn though XD
Thursday, June 23, 2011
all about you
Salam all :)
It's now the 22nd. Hee~ July doesn't seem too far right now ;)
Today I lepak-ed at Syamira and Pia's place :D to get a change of studying environment. And Alhamdulillah, we shared many things today.
And it's surprising how much we have in common and how our families differ so and it's intriguing how we come to the conclusion that all families have their individual strentghs and drawbacks.
And it's so funny to learn that really, most of what our parents taught us, some lesson are learnt way pass 20. Hehe. Alhamdulillah to have let us learn things before it's too late. :)
I gotta go memorise some more drugs now!
InsyaAllah I'll write more regarding this later :)
Annyeong, goodbye, adios! Hee~ Noc noc!
It's now the 22nd. Hee~ July doesn't seem too far right now ;)
Today I lepak-ed at Syamira and Pia's place :D to get a change of studying environment. And Alhamdulillah, we shared many things today.
And it's surprising how much we have in common and how our families differ so and it's intriguing how we come to the conclusion that all families have their individual strentghs and drawbacks.
And it's so funny to learn that really, most of what our parents taught us, some lesson are learnt way pass 20. Hehe. Alhamdulillah to have let us learn things before it's too late. :)
I gotta go memorise some more drugs now!
InsyaAllah I'll write more regarding this later :)
Annyeong, goodbye, adios! Hee~ Noc noc!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
healthy food
Aka drugs. NOT the abusive type eyh, the therapeutic one :P
Today I managed to open my bottle of Ubat Batuk Cap Ibu Dan Anak. And I'm so happyyyyyy ^^ Weeee~
The trick is to have enough desire to break the bottle at trying to unscrew the cap.
It didn't break but yeah, now my palm has memories of torsional force. Kekeke.
There's no ubat batuk that could calm my oropharynx like this one ^^
I'm officially sick now. T_T
Good thing it's the hols. :) I would have problem keeping my mouth shut and relaxing my larynx if otherwise.
Well, maybe I should slow down on the singing-for-fun-cause-husky-sore-throat-voice-is-the-best as well :P
That should help tonnes. Hopefully, InsyaAllah ;)
Me wanna get me dose of codeine now.
Nyam nyam~
Mari berusaha untuk sihat!
Today, I enjoyed reading, which is good, but I so gotta speed up. Anggare anggare arrriiiibaaaaa~
Today I managed to open my bottle of Ubat Batuk Cap Ibu Dan Anak. And I'm so happyyyyyy ^^ Weeee~
The trick is to have enough desire to break the bottle at trying to unscrew the cap.
It didn't break but yeah, now my palm has memories of torsional force. Kekeke.
There's no ubat batuk that could calm my oropharynx like this one ^^
I'm officially sick now. T_T
Good thing it's the hols. :) I would have problem keeping my mouth shut and relaxing my larynx if otherwise.
Well, maybe I should slow down on the singing-for-fun-cause-husky-sore-throat-voice-is-the-best as well :P
That should help tonnes. Hopefully, InsyaAllah ;)
Me wanna get me dose of codeine now.
Nyam nyam~
Mari berusaha untuk sihat!
Today, I enjoyed reading, which is good, but I so gotta speed up. Anggare anggare arrriiiibaaaaa~
Monday, June 13, 2011
It is June already!!! Kyaaaa~
Half of the year will be gone soon. Class ended last week and this week's schedule will be filled with lotsa drugs (an exam on that soon!) and visa handling. Hopefully it'll all turn out well, insyaAllah ^^
What happens in June every year is I get homesick. :P It's the time when those energy recharged from last year's summer break can't be supported with just phone calls and webcams. Well, increasing the frequency may help a little though. :)
School break also means spending more time at home than usual. Which means an extended access to the kitchen. :P It's interestingly funny and highly amusing to the gastrointestinal system as my housemates and I get more creative with the cooking. :)
The studying on the other hand goes up a notch. Prolly not as intensive as last year. Eeek~ I guess it's got to do with having chronic stress due to continuous exam. Whatever it is, study we must, cause it's a responsibility. One of those I shouldn't screw.
Okay, back to "mengikat ilmu" i.e. memorising.
Happy summer break and fighting for exams :) heee~
Salam wbt~
Half of the year will be gone soon. Class ended last week and this week's schedule will be filled with lotsa drugs (an exam on that soon!) and visa handling. Hopefully it'll all turn out well, insyaAllah ^^
What happens in June every year is I get homesick. :P It's the time when those energy recharged from last year's summer break can't be supported with just phone calls and webcams. Well, increasing the frequency may help a little though. :)
School break also means spending more time at home than usual. Which means an extended access to the kitchen. :P It's interestingly funny and highly amusing to the gastrointestinal system as my housemates and I get more creative with the cooking. :)
The studying on the other hand goes up a notch. Prolly not as intensive as last year. Eeek~ I guess it's got to do with having chronic stress due to continuous exam. Whatever it is, study we must, cause it's a responsibility. One of those I shouldn't screw.
Okay, back to "mengikat ilmu" i.e. memorising.
Happy summer break and fighting for exams :) heee~
Salam wbt~
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
So I ended up with doughnuts, due to lack of experience with egg tart. :) Maybe the egg tart will see it's debut later in the week. Thanks to my dear KTT friend, Linah for the recipe ^^
Honestly, I'm totally grateful that I get to spend some personal time with some books now :) Top of list: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Family. I wonder why we don't have this version at home. Hmm... It took me almost a year to finish it. And I'm still not done with it yet! >.< It's so funny that when I was 13, I took less than a week to finish 7 Habits, patutlah so semangat time kecik2 :P
It's nearing the end of school year. 2 exams, in one month, insyaAllah, before home sweet Shah Alam! And Alhamdulillah, this year, though eventful, it is definitely enlightening. I would say the best part of it is to have realise some really deep infliction in me that needs healing and forgiveness. I'm still working on it and since the people involved are doing their utmost best to change, I should too. :)
I shouldn't hold on to grief. It kills the heart, slowly. Cause prejudice may lead to growth of a parasitic grudge. And when that happens, things get ugly. It inhibits survival, stability and success.
Some people get over things relatively fast, whilst some are stuck in that corner for what seems like forever.
Maybe the notion time would heal all wound is not really valid.
Maybe we need to forgive. :)
And then, it'll be easier to move on~ insyaAllah!
:) Salam
Honestly, I'm totally grateful that I get to spend some personal time with some books now :) Top of list: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Family. I wonder why we don't have this version at home. Hmm... It took me almost a year to finish it. And I'm still not done with it yet! >.< It's so funny that when I was 13, I took less than a week to finish 7 Habits, patutlah so semangat time kecik2 :P
It's nearing the end of school year. 2 exams, in one month, insyaAllah, before home sweet Shah Alam! And Alhamdulillah, this year, though eventful, it is definitely enlightening. I would say the best part of it is to have realise some really deep infliction in me that needs healing and forgiveness. I'm still working on it and since the people involved are doing their utmost best to change, I should too. :)
I shouldn't hold on to grief. It kills the heart, slowly. Cause prejudice may lead to growth of a parasitic grudge. And when that happens, things get ugly. It inhibits survival, stability and success.
Some people get over things relatively fast, whilst some are stuck in that corner for what seems like forever.
Maybe the notion time would heal all wound is not really valid.
Maybe we need to forgive. :)
And then, it'll be easier to move on~ insyaAllah!
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with recognition, he learns to have a goal.
If a child lives with pity, he learns to be sorry of himself.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns that the world is a nice place in which to live.
T7HoHEF pg 328
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