Kami bukanlah golongan kanak-kanak (waktu itu, baru 17 tahun) pelik. Tapi sungguh, kerenah kami memang tak terfikir orang lain.
Antara saat-saat yang dirindui di KTT:
- sorok selipar surau bawah tangga *maaf pemilik selipar*... tapi setelah sekian lama, kami diberi kesedaran dan kami mula menyusun selipar di surau secara senyap-senyap
- sorok selipar budak-budak tangga satu sampai adalah seorang budak Izzah (bukan nama tidak sebenar) sorokkan selipar sape entah dekat pintu rumah shalini. serius time tu semua orang pun gelak guling-guling. ngahahaha... ada juga kes di mana kitaorang sorok selipar sampai lupa nak bagi tau pemilik selipar. memang kecoh lah.
- aerobik kat rumah Nad. sambil makan honey stars. lepas tu, aerobik terhenti sebab kitaorang kena kosongkan rumah sebab ada aktiviti sembur gas pencegah pembiakan nyamuk (kalau tak silap lah)
- main badminton setiap petang, serius rasa macam professional. dan ada satu masa tu, tiru gaya fikri fariz (atas kunjugan hamizah ke KTT, mamat ini telah dipengaruhi untuk panggil aku nora. ish) main badminton. gayanya adalah untuk letakkan satu tangan di belakang tatkala bermain. hoho. cubalah.
- timau (air timun campur limau) lepas aktiviti bersukan memang terbaik untuk sejukkan badan. ditambah lagi lepas kelas tambahan (jam 2300), kami akan bertandang ke kedai mak cik salbiah untuk melantak. hoho. dan akibat kepenatan, balik rumah, terus kami bergolek untuk tidur.
- lari balik rumah lepas maghrib dan lancarkan misi takutkan dina. kerjasama dengan fairuz. hehe. malam tu terus kena belasah habis-habisan dengan dina. maaf dina! :P
- sesi lepak belakang bas KTT. hehe. belum pernah terkantoi. plus, tiada yang mengesyaki aktiviti kitaorang. tapi best la. kadang-kadang tercuri dengar kalau orang lalu-lalang kat bas tu. :P
- berehat di bilik televisyen. muka aku selalu sahaja dijumpai melepak tengok drama. masa-masa ni kitaorang akan duduk kat sofa yang tak menghadap luar sebab waktu camni orang keluar masuk surau. hehe.
- main Frisbee. dan ada satu ketika, kami bermain selepas hujan. nasib baik rumah kitaorang ada mesin basuh (terima kasih mak ayah aina) jadi, tak perlulah untuk bersusah-payah menyucikan seluar daripada kotoran degil lumpur dan sebagainya.
- bermain-main dalam bas pak cik jo. kami memang rapat dengan pak cik jo pembawa bas KTT. entah kenapa entah. tapi ini menjadi faktor kami selalu mendominasi bas pak cik jo. terima kasih.
- pergi pasar hari khamis. wajib kerana bukan selalu dapat memilih daripada bermacam-macam jenis makanan. disebabkan waktu ini budak ALL 6 selalunya ada kelas, jadi aktiviti pesan-memesan barangan seringkali berlaku.
- waktu meraikan ulangtahun kelahiran nad dan izzah, aktiviti mendapatkan tandatangan warga KTT diadakan secara besar-besaran. mak cik salbiah, pak cik jo, mak kedai atas, pak cik jaga, dan sejenis makhluk popular kat KTT zaman kitaorang dulu, semua kitaorang ambil. sungguh itu aktiviti mendapatkan tandatangan untuk kad yang paling berjaya.
- dan disebabkan kek blueberry yang dibuat di kedai berdekatan KTT adalah sangat sedap, menjadi kebiasaan kami untuk memesan kek tersebut setiap kali ada ulangtahun kelahiran. hehe.
- ada banyak sangat kegembiraan. kalau tulis, nanti ada yang tak menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pelajar perubatan di praha pula. :) Alhamdulillah atas kenangan dengan korang semua.
when the introverted extrovert nenek writes, cause she does not want bad history to repeat itself
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
spring out of the mess
Now that I've revived from my melodramatic period, I'm being lead to see that I have indeed fallen behind in so many aspects.
Its like a part of my personality has been sucked dry. No use reminiscing the whys and hows of my fall. It was meant to be a lesson.
One thing for certain, it's time again to spring (good timing too, now that it is spring :P) out of this mess.
Okay. First on the list, lets find that genius people claim to be living in me.
*bringing the brain to work at Jimmy Neutron's speed* wee hoo~ *plus Sheen's syndrome*
And I've been enlightened with some details yesterday, which although doesn't concern me, has made me very happy. I shall dig out more information today. *smiles brightly*
Its like a part of my personality has been sucked dry. No use reminiscing the whys and hows of my fall. It was meant to be a lesson.
One thing for certain, it's time again to spring (good timing too, now that it is spring :P) out of this mess.
Okay. First on the list, lets find that genius people claim to be living in me.
*bringing the brain to work at Jimmy Neutron's speed* wee hoo~ *plus Sheen's syndrome*
Something else worth reminding - go and get yourself supplement. It's not worth being weak in today's demanding world. Hahahaha. Seriously, take care of your health!
After Frisbee and Volley-water-balloon... the ultimate class party.. walaupun ada mayhem sikit itu hari :P
After Frisbee and Volley-water-balloon... the ultimate class party.. walaupun ada mayhem sikit itu hari :P
And I've been enlightened with some details yesterday, which although doesn't concern me, has made me very happy. I shall dig out more information today. *smiles brightly*
Monday, April 27, 2009
make some room
I write cause I find it compulsory to remind myself about life. And the current blogging state seems to tell that someone has not been reminded enough lately. :P
Quote from a favourite movie,
"Make some room for love and forgiveness, and that'll leave little room for hatred".
And another one,
"Be grateful with what we have for then, we'll start seeing the beauty and be blind to what may seem imperfect."
Needn't elaborate on that one.
I've finished the whole 20 episodes of Iljimae.
And now, I'm off to finish some assignments. And the spirited me is back~
Quote from a favourite movie,
"Make some room for love and forgiveness, and that'll leave little room for hatred".
And another one,
"Be grateful with what we have for then, we'll start seeing the beauty and be blind to what may seem imperfect."
Needn't elaborate on that one.
I've finished the whole 20 episodes of Iljimae.
And now, I'm off to finish some assignments. And the spirited me is back~
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
To not know where you stand never is a good indication.
Come what may, I hope I'll survive growing up.
-20 dear! You are TWENTYYYYYYY.
-Wiser yet?
And now, I realise how long it has been since that walk in the gardens.
Must get there somehow.
And soon.
Come what may, I hope I'll survive growing up.
-20 dear! You are TWENTYYYYYYY.
-Wiser yet?
And now, I realise how long it has been since that walk in the gardens.
Must get there somehow.
And soon.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Atas pengaruh keluarga.
Aku tau mak dan adik-adik aku ada citarasa tinggi.
Dan memang dah lama pun sejak aku menonton drama sejarah dahulu kala.
Akibat terlalu rindu untuk duduk bersama-sama ahli keluarga beriadah menonton televisyen sambil menimba pengajaran, aku pun memilih untuk menonton Iljimae di depan komputer riba aku.
Memang mantap pun jalan ceritanya.
Aku pula mudah terpedaya dengan teknik pengarah drama, tiap kali habis satu episod, akan diselitkan babak-babak suspens yang meningkatkan kesungguhan aku untuk terus klik pada pilihan "watch next episode".
Serius ini kelemahan aku yang bukan sahaja harus diperbaiki, tetapi pada detik-detik peperiksaan macam sekarang, patut kuMANSUHkan terus.
Memandangakan kelemahan ini kelemahan mutlak yang setelah bertahun lama menjadi tabiat dan sekarang pula diinskripsikan sebagai peribadi diri, nampaknya aku patut bertindak memikirkan cara di mana aku boleh imbangkan kesemuanya. Serius dacing kehidupan aku lebih berat ke arah Iljimae berbanding aktiviti-aktiviti lain sekarang.
Aku dengan ini ingin meminta maaf dengan Cik Perfectionist yang telah aku padamkan semangatnya dalam diri. Ya aku akui, kepala aku asyik terfikir dekat Iljimae, sehinggakan saat-saat nak menghabiskan pembelajaran pun. Aih~ Illa dah salah ni.
Belajar kawal diri beb! Sebab setiap pilihan akan membawa kau bergerak selangkah; sama ada ke lembah durjana atau puncak kejayaan.
Baik, aku nak berpindah ke bilik Aslina. Sebab petang ni, ujian Biochemistry menanti kesediaan aku. Sediakah aku?
Ada 14 episod lagi.
Hari ni aku tak tengok satu pun lagi.
Ya, akan kucuba kawal diri dari obsesi ini.
Gila. T_T Kuasa dua ribu lima ratus empat puluh tujuh.
Friday, April 17, 2009
to be happy again (uber long)
In a friendship, the best feel is the feel of belonging.
At least that's how I feel.
Just like how the prophet (SAW) needed friends on his venture, I guess we too need people to walk together with us.
And the best of friends do not leave you hanging unknown. They tell you where you went wrong. And they do it so delicately and wisely that you won't feel dejected. Because the wish of being successful together radiates from their very heart which then touches your very soul.
Sometimes, I lead myself into hating what I've become. I wondered why I always fail to be like some people.
Looking around, I felt like I'm a worst case scenario. It's so painful to the point that, when people tell me what I should and what I shouldn't have done, I find myself at the bottom of the pit, just sitting there, not knowing when it will all come to an end.
I know the good-ones are trying to pull me onto their side of the hierarchy but like aforementioned, when people preach but for their own selfish reasons, it doesn't get to me.
It ended up with a thinking that between the good-ones and me, we are like creatures living in different spheres; there exist a barrier of which I can never overcome however hard I try. So, I ended up not trying.
And after the preaching, there I was again, being the lowest of the low. The feel of detest at that stage was almost unbearable.
I begin to isolate myself for I hate to hear promises of wanting to move forward together. The way I see it, I was, sadly, stranded. Lost maybe. Cause I didn't become wise from the knowledge I've gained and I wasn't eager to learn more. I was a goner. In my head: I could never be you in a gazillion years (if I were to live that long).
It's funny how people try to lead you in the right direction but ended up draining you out of hope.
Imagine you're in a deserted desert, with nothing but a friend who has the upperhand (having a good supply of beverages) and the friend could only cheer you to move on but not give you even a drop of liquid.
You would feel exhausted.
And along the course, you hoped that you could pack up and leave and you vow to not let such a person darken your doorway again.
It's a reality worth labelled nightmare; the feeling that I should move forward but at the same time, feeling that I couldn't. I became unhappy. Not at the thoughts of those people pulling me down though, but because I was convinced I can never be as good as them.
And for quite a period of time, all advises fall to deaf ears. I couldn't be bothered, for a long period of time, I didn't care.
What kept me standing was a flicker of want, to end up, in afterlife, in Heaven.
(This is part of my life and for the time, as much as it is history, it is pretty much present. :P )
Praise to Allah, for after a long search and much despair, He sent friends who relieved me of the pain.
It's not a promise to get to the end together but it is a mutual feel of belonging.
It tells that between you and I, we have equal chances. I have what you have and no more than that.
As long as you do what is told and leave those which are forbidden, we are going to be all right. :)
Such simple words which solved such complicated an emotion.
And I also realised that I don't want to become anyone else but me. It is saddening, that I had been so weak in blaming others for pulling me down. However, having been in that condition, I hope that I'm not radiating waves which could make people believe that I'm any better than them. Believe me, I'm not.
Definitely, you and I, we have equal chances in this life, for the life after. And for every little step that we take in this life, our heart and mind has to only choose between two choices - to do OR not to do - simple aite?
Regardless of who you are, lets do all the right things eyh?
Don't give up trying cause it'll be a waste of time. Do what you can while you can. It's not everyday that we are healthy like we are now.
And spare some of your knowledge for me cause I long for more. :)
At least that's how I feel.
Just like how the prophet (SAW) needed friends on his venture, I guess we too need people to walk together with us.
And the best of friends do not leave you hanging unknown. They tell you where you went wrong. And they do it so delicately and wisely that you won't feel dejected. Because the wish of being successful together radiates from their very heart which then touches your very soul.
Sometimes, I lead myself into hating what I've become. I wondered why I always fail to be like some people.
Looking around, I felt like I'm a worst case scenario. It's so painful to the point that, when people tell me what I should and what I shouldn't have done, I find myself at the bottom of the pit, just sitting there, not knowing when it will all come to an end.
I know the good-ones are trying to pull me onto their side of the hierarchy but like aforementioned, when people preach but for their own selfish reasons, it doesn't get to me.
It ended up with a thinking that between the good-ones and me, we are like creatures living in different spheres; there exist a barrier of which I can never overcome however hard I try. So, I ended up not trying.
And after the preaching, there I was again, being the lowest of the low. The feel of detest at that stage was almost unbearable.
I begin to isolate myself for I hate to hear promises of wanting to move forward together. The way I see it, I was, sadly, stranded. Lost maybe. Cause I didn't become wise from the knowledge I've gained and I wasn't eager to learn more. I was a goner. In my head: I could never be you in a gazillion years (if I were to live that long).
It's funny how people try to lead you in the right direction but ended up draining you out of hope.
Imagine you're in a deserted desert, with nothing but a friend who has the upperhand (having a good supply of beverages) and the friend could only cheer you to move on but not give you even a drop of liquid.
You would feel exhausted.
And along the course, you hoped that you could pack up and leave and you vow to not let such a person darken your doorway again.
It's a reality worth labelled nightmare; the feeling that I should move forward but at the same time, feeling that I couldn't. I became unhappy. Not at the thoughts of those people pulling me down though, but because I was convinced I can never be as good as them.
And for quite a period of time, all advises fall to deaf ears. I couldn't be bothered, for a long period of time, I didn't care.
What kept me standing was a flicker of want, to end up, in afterlife, in Heaven.
(This is part of my life and for the time, as much as it is history, it is pretty much present. :P )
Praise to Allah, for after a long search and much despair, He sent friends who relieved me of the pain.
It's not a promise to get to the end together but it is a mutual feel of belonging.
It tells that between you and I, we have equal chances. I have what you have and no more than that.
As long as you do what is told and leave those which are forbidden, we are going to be all right. :)
Such simple words which solved such complicated an emotion.
And I also realised that I don't want to become anyone else but me. It is saddening, that I had been so weak in blaming others for pulling me down. However, having been in that condition, I hope that I'm not radiating waves which could make people believe that I'm any better than them. Believe me, I'm not.
Definitely, you and I, we have equal chances in this life, for the life after. And for every little step that we take in this life, our heart and mind has to only choose between two choices - to do OR not to do - simple aite?
Regardless of who you are, lets do all the right things eyh?
Don't give up trying cause it'll be a waste of time. Do what you can while you can. It's not everyday that we are healthy like we are now.
And spare some of your knowledge for me cause I long for more. :)
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
then again
Monday, April 06, 2009
it puts a smile on your face
When out there somewhere, someone is putting hope on you.
And without realising, it sets you moving forward.
For that very reason, fight on Nora!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And without realising, it sets you moving forward.
For that very reason, fight on Nora!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
dreams like these
Those close to fantasies
And made you wonder
Did you just let go of the world?
Those close to faith
Which when you waver
Like water, they'll trickle.
Beyond grasp
Shaky none the less
Abandoned many times
At least I have a dream
Dreams of a bad child
To turn back time
Dreams of a mute
To sing out loud
Dreams of an orphan
To be sung a lullaby
Dreams of the deaf
To smile at whispers of the ones he love
I dream
The dream of every mother in the world
It may seem unattainable
But at least I have a dream
And I open my eyes
To live and die
For this dream.
Those close to fantasies
And made you wonder
Did you just let go of the world?
Those close to faith
Which when you waver
Like water, they'll trickle.
Beyond grasp
Shaky none the less
Abandoned many times
At least I have a dream
Dreams of a bad child
To turn back time
Dreams of a mute
To sing out loud
Dreams of an orphan
To be sung a lullaby
Dreams of the deaf
To smile at whispers of the ones he love
I dream
The dream of every mother in the world
It may seem unattainable
But at least I have a dream
And I open my eyes
To live and die
For this dream.
Inspired by Epik High
Our dreams are for us to reach.
To make reality.
Just how much some of our dreams may seem silly to others or when compared, seem worthless, if it's the right thing to do, then go for it!
Even how much you've wavered, even how much you've kept those dreams stored in the corner of the room, even how much it seems impossible, there's no harm in trying or re-trying.
For the only outcome you'll get when giving up is waste. Really, go for the challenge and fight your way towards those goals.
It's never too late.
At least not now! :)
Friday, April 03, 2009
Mr Sun
Thanks for shining down on us today.
And for reasons others may also have, I love you more than ever Mr Sun!
:) Alhamdulillah.
Come Saturday, lets go for a walk~ YAY!
I love practical lessons cause they are the ones I can perform at.
Now I need to realise that theory is as important.
Yes, indeed, if I don't know the theories, I would not only sound like a stupid doctor, I'll look like a stupid doctor and the staff won't put trust on me. Yipes, scary.
And with the increasing load of knowledge every step of this journey, someone has gotta learn to speed up in digesting them!
To do your very best is a must, then you won't end up asking yourself too many questions and yes, after giving your all, it's fair to leave the rest in God's hand.
Conclusion is, FIGHT OH!!!
And for reasons others may also have, I love you more than ever Mr Sun!
:) Alhamdulillah.
Come Saturday, lets go for a walk~ YAY!
I love practical lessons cause they are the ones I can perform at.
Now I need to realise that theory is as important.
Yes, indeed, if I don't know the theories, I would not only sound like a stupid doctor, I'll look like a stupid doctor and the staff won't put trust on me. Yipes, scary.
And with the increasing load of knowledge every step of this journey, someone has gotta learn to speed up in digesting them!
To do your very best is a must, then you won't end up asking yourself too many questions and yes, after giving your all, it's fair to leave the rest in God's hand.
Conclusion is, FIGHT OH!!!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Keindahan datang dalam pelbagai bentuk.
Yang sering kita terlepas pandang adalah keindahan percuma.
Alam sekeliling.
Dan sebagainya.
(Semoga cuaca cepat kurang sejuk supaya dapat berlari anak-anak dan duduk dalam taman penuh kehijauan. Owh bahagia~)
Fitrah setiap insan untuk menyukai keindahan.
Keindahan yang kita selalu inginkan, tetapi tak semestinya perlukan, sentiasa bertemankan penggunaan wang kertas (atau syiling).
Buku cerita.
Dan sebagainya.
Bila mana kita menyedari, dalam dunia ini, MEMANGLAH BANYAK YANG INDAH TETAPI BUKANLAH MENJADI KEWAJIPAN UNTUK MEMILIKI SEGALA KEINDAHAN; kita akan hidup bersederhana.
Sekurang-kurangnya untuk 2 bulan. :P
Perempuan A: Hey perempuan, tergamak kau berniat hendak membeli baju lagi! Yang ada pun belum habis berpakai!
Perempuan B: Maaf, jantung ini menyesali keinginan tak boleh bla tersebut. Lain kali aku persoalkan mahu dan perlu terlebih dahulu.
Yang sering kita terlepas pandang adalah keindahan percuma.
Alam sekeliling.
Dan sebagainya.
(Semoga cuaca cepat kurang sejuk supaya dapat berlari anak-anak dan duduk dalam taman penuh kehijauan. Owh bahagia~)
Fitrah setiap insan untuk menyukai keindahan.
Keindahan yang kita selalu inginkan, tetapi tak semestinya perlukan, sentiasa bertemankan penggunaan wang kertas (atau syiling).
Buku cerita.
Dan sebagainya.
Bila mana kita menyedari, dalam dunia ini, MEMANGLAH BANYAK YANG INDAH TETAPI BUKANLAH MENJADI KEWAJIPAN UNTUK MEMILIKI SEGALA KEINDAHAN; kita akan hidup bersederhana.
Sekurang-kurangnya untuk 2 bulan. :P
Perempuan A: Hey perempuan, tergamak kau berniat hendak membeli baju lagi! Yang ada pun belum habis berpakai!
Perempuan B: Maaf, jantung ini menyesali keinginan tak boleh bla tersebut. Lain kali aku persoalkan mahu dan perlu terlebih dahulu.
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